OFTC Printer Installation Guide 

How to locate your existing printers and map a printer. 

  1. In the bottom left corner of your desktop, locate your search bar.  Type the word printer in that box and you will see the image below.  Click on the first selection, Printers and Scanners. 


  1. You will now see a box like the one below.  You can locate your currently installed printers by referring to the section labeled Printers and Scanners.   Write down each printer you see in this section ending in OFTCPRINT as a reference to use to map your printers once profile unity no longer exists and when you get your office laptop. 


  1. To map your printer, using the box referenced in Step 2, click the plus sign next to Add a printer or scanner. You will see that the system is searching for available printers. 

  1. Method #1- Scroll down this list to find your printer name.  Make sure you to only use a printer on OFTCPRINT.  Choosing your printer on any other server will NOT work. 

Example:  NCPLibrary on STUPRINT will not work, but NCPLibrary on OFTCPRINT will map. 



  1. Method #2- If you do not see your printer listed do the following: 

  • Scroll down until you see the selection “The printer I want isn’t listed” and click it. 

  • When the following box is displayed, click the third radio button next to select a shared printer by name. 

  • Use the displayed example and replace computername with OFTCPRINT and printername with the name of your printer.  Example:  \\oftcprint\gen406 

  • Once completed click next. 



  1. If asked to install a print driver, select install driver and let the new driver load. Once installed you should see a box as the one displayed below. 







  1. If you would like to print a test page to confirm you have installed the correct printer, click the tab “Print a test page” at this point a page should print on the printer you have just installed.  Once you confirm you have installed the correct printer, click finish. 
