Get Started with WebEx Teams 

WebEx Teams empowers your team to collaborate all in one place, from anywhere, with messaging, file and screen sharing, video meetings, and white boarding. 


Get started with the app 

  • Download the desktop app if it’s not installed on your computer or mobile device from, download it now. 

Get to know WebEx Teams 


Get familiar with your new collaboration hub. Everything you need to keep work moving forward while working from home is here. 

How do I message someone? 

You can easily contact internal or external people using the chat panel for 1:1 interactions or group communications in spaces. 

1. Click the add icon “+” and choose contact a person. 
2. Type the name or email of the person in the Search field 
3. Click the person you want to chat with. 
4. Type your message and press the enter key. 

Edit messages 

Made a typo? Not a problem, simply hover over your message and click Edit message. Then, make your changes and click update. After you update the message, you'll see (Edited) next to it in the space. 



To grab someone’s attention @mention their name. They will see @ against the Space, showing that their name has been taggedOr use @all to notify everyone in the space. 


Give your message some personality 

You can customize your message by formatting the text, inserting emojis and gifs, or adding attachments and screen capture. 



How do I reply to a message in a thread? 

Hover your mouse over the message and use the arrow option. 






How do I make a call from Webex Teams? 

There are different ways to call in Webex Teams. One easy way is to: 

  1. Click the Search field. 
    2. Start typing the name of the person or space you want to call. 
    3. Click the name of the person or space in the results list. 
    4. Click the Call icon at the top right of the space. 
    5. Click Start with video. 

When you receive a call, you’ll see a notification allowing you to: 

  • Answer: To take the call. 

  • Decline: If you can’t answer now. 

  • Message: If you want to answer with a chat message instead. 


Join a call 



If you are joining an ongoing call in a space: 

Click on the green meeting timer in the space and select “Join” from menu or click the pop up on your screen as the meeting starts. 


Webex best practices when collaborating from home 

Turn your video on 

Sharing video can be intimidating at first but having your camera on will keep you aware of the conversation and connected with your colleagues. 


Check your background 

Reduce clutter and double check for personal items you didn’t intend to share in your background. 


Camera position 

Think about where your webcam is positioned and keep it at eye height for the most natural look. 


Headsets at home 

For the best audio experience, use a noise reducing headset. 


Mute yourself 

Muting yourself when not speaking prevents background noise around you from distracting others in the meeting. 




Tips for working from home 


Setup your home office 

Find a quiet, comfortable spot away from distractions. 


Take home the necessary equipment 

Don't forget to take any chargers for laptops or other equipment you may need from your office. Be sure your computer and apps are up to date. 


Don’t forget your headset! 

For the best audio experience, use a noise reducing headset. 


Find the best workspace 

Dedicate a workspace in your home that’s ergonomic, comfortable, and productive. It will allow you to stay focused throughout the day. 


Prepare to turn your video on 

The world works better face to face! Think about where your webcam is positioned and keep it at eye level for the most natural look. 


Check your background 

Reduce clutter and double check for personal items you didn’t intend to share in your background. 


Get connected 

Check your home internet connection and update your VPN if you have one. Connect using an ethernet connection or pick a spot with a strong wireless signal. 


Minimize distractions 

Letting others in your home know you’re about to join a call, or closing the door are small actions you can take to minimize distractions for those in your meetings. 


Turn your video on 

Sharing video can be intimidating at first but having your camera on will keep you aware of the conversation and connected with your colleagues. 


Mute yourself 

Muting yourself when not speaking prevents background noise around you from distracting others in the meeting. 


Claim your bandwidth! 

Discourage others in your home from doing high-bandwidth activities (like streaming video’s) while you’re working. They may impact your audio and video quality. 



Low bandwidth and troubleshooting 

If you have low bandwidth availability or poor internet connection, it can impact your Webex experience. Depending on your device, connection type and situation - our low bandwidth and troubleshooting advice page has everything you need to stay connected.










Tips for hosting a meeting 

  • Be mindful of time zones, and ensure your meetings are during typical business hours for all your attendees. 

  • Remember to take breaks! Build in a break for your teams and start your meeting at 15 minutes after the hour. 

  • Provide global numbers - Webex allows you to configure the default call in numbers for your meetings to reflect where your attendees are joining from. Login to your Webex site to configure your default numbers. 

  • The most powerful way to encourage video sharing is to turn on your own camera. Seeing facial reactions builds trust and helps to maintain a healthy culture. 

  • Turn off notifications for other applications – that way you won't get distracted with email and messaging pop-ups. 

  • hare only the content you intend to. By sharing an application, not your whole screen you can be sure you’re keeping attention on the task at hand, and not on notifications that may pop up. 

  • Ask your participants to mute when not talking. If someone forgets, or is disrupting your meeting, you can mute noisy attendee lines from the participant panel. 

  • When hosting a large meeting such as an all hands or department meeting, consider selecting “Mute All” from the Participant menu within a Webex Meeting to start everyone muted. Users may choose to unmute themselves to participate later. Looking to host a larger event or manage audio more directly? Consider switching to Webex Events. 

Make it a habit to record your meetings. If someone’s not able to attend your meeting, simply share the link, keeping everyone up to date. Want to hold on to a recording for notes later? Choose “Record on my computer” to keep that data right on your