From the desktop app 

The easiest way to schedule a meeting is through the Webex Meetings desktop app. You will also need to download the Cisco Webex Meetings Scheduler for Office 365 or productivity tool for Mac or Windows. 

1. Open the Webex Meetings desktop app. Ordownload the app now. 
2. Click the Schedule button. A new Outlook calendar invitation will open. 
3. Fill in the necessary information: attendees, subject, start and end time. 
4. Fill in the location field, making sure to include ‘Webex’. 
5. Click the OK button. The invite information will auto-populate. 
6. Click the Send button. 


From the mobile app 

The easiest way to schedule a meeting is through the Webex Meetings desktop app. 

1. Click on the schedule icon in the top right-hand corner of the app. 
2. Give your meeting a title. 
3. Edit the time and date of the meeting. 
4. Add attendees email addresses. 
5. Click schedule in the top right-hand corner. 


If you can’t access your regular calendar for any reason - you can still schedule a meeting. Just use your Personal room or use the built-in site scheduler. 




How do I start or join a meeting? 

From the desktop app 

1. Open the Webex Meetings desktop app. 
2. For scheduled meetings, click the Join button when its time. 
Or, for to meet on the fly - select ‘Start a meeting’. 
3. Click Start Meeting. 

From a calendar invite 

1. Click the big green Join meeting link. 
2. Authorize the use of your microphone and webcam. 
3. Click Start Meeting. 

From the mobile app 

1. For a scheduled meeting, click the “Join” button on the notification or from the My Meetings page of the app. 
2. Tap Start meeting to start an ad hoc meeting in your personal room. 
3. Tap Join Meeting to enter the meeting number, URL, or username. 


How do I set my audio and video preferences? 

Set your audio and video preferences, before you join the meeting. 

Use a headset! Doing so reduces distractions for you and to keep background noise from disrupting the call. 
Mute your microphone in meetings when you’re not speaking to avoid distractions or interruptions to the meeting. Don’t double mute (muting your phone and your WebEx audio at the same time). Choose one method to make sure you can unmute easily when you’re ready to talk. 



How do I share my screen? 

From within the meeting click the Share Content icon and select "share your screen” or a specific application. 


How do I host a meeting? 

If you schedule a meeting or are an assigned host, you have access to moderate and manage the meeting. Here’s some tips for you. 

  • Record meetings to share with people that couldn’t attend. 

  • Mute other participants when there is unwanted noise. 

  • Start your meeting a few minutes early, especially if you have invited clients or other external parties. This will give you time to join and prepare for your meeting. It also allows for conversation at the start of the call before jumping into business


The following guidance came from the Georgia  Technology Authority and was shared with OFTC. 


Cisco Webex 


  1. Auto Lock Personal Room for secure meetings.  

  2. Set Personal Room Notifications before a Meeting to receive an email notification when attendees are waiting for a meeting to begin.  

  3. Schedule a Meeting instead of using your Personal Room.  

  4. Scheduled Meetings are unlisted by default by the Site Administrator for all Webex sites. Listing a meeting reveals meeting titles and meeting information publicly.  

  5. Set a password for every Meeting by creating a high-complexity, nontrivial password (strong password).  

  1. Do not reuse passwords for meetings.  

  2. Use Entry or Exit Tone or Announce Name Feature to prevent someone from joining the audio portion of your meeting without your knowledge.  

  3. Do not allow attendees or panelists to join before host. This setting is set by default by the Site Administrator for Meetings.  

  4. Assign an alternate host to start and control the meeting.  

  5. Lock the meeting once all attendees have joined the meeting.  

  1. Expel Attendees at any time during a meeting. Select the name of the attendee whom you want to remove, then select Participant > Expel.  

  2. Share an Application instead of sharing your Screen to prevent accidental exposure of sensitive information on your screen.  

  3. Set password for your recordings before sharing them to keep the recording secure.  

  4. Create a Host Audio PIN. Protect your Audio PIN and do not share it.  

  5. Do not click on emails where you don't know the sender, email has inconsistencies with grammar and/or spelling, or contain a web link you're unfamiliar with.